A giant chicken burrito ! But done in the clean eating lifestyle with no preservatives and extra fat, it taste divine and is so easy to do!
You already have the Mexican seasoning mix I gave you the recipe before and that delicious fresh salsa recipe. So you only need to get yourself some big wrap tortillas, mine are spinach but you can get anyone you please. Get some good organic clean chicken and some other small ingredients and you have a delicious lunch or dinner! If you want you can substitute the chicken for vegan fake chicken or just cut a potato, any kind of potato in chunks and do them as if were the chicken! It is what I do now ! My son is the chicken eater and I know many of my clean eating followers are and this is a healthy version for them, but me as pescetarian, I make mine with potatoes instead! And is delicious!
for 2
1 bag of big wrap tortillas any flavor you want
1 big clean boneless chicken breast
1 small tomato
1 small pepper
1 half yellow onion
1 tablespoon olive oil
1 bunch of cilantro (enough to cook and top the burrito)
half cup of cheddar cheese or vegan cheese
2 full tablespoon of homemade clean gluten free salsa (see my recipe )
2 tablespoon of Mexican homemade clean gluten free seasoning (see my recipe)
2 tablespoon of organic sour cream (optional, I use it in my vegetarian version, it keeps the burrito together)
salt and pepper to taste
pickled jalapenos (optional)
Cut your chicken in stripes, (or your potatoes in small chunks) meantime heat the oil in a frying pan. When the oil is hot enough add the chicken and brown a little, until the pink is gone. (brown your potatoes and put down the heat and cook a little more, until is softer with the fork) Ad the seasoning and a little salt and pepper to taste. Cut your tomatoes and pepper and onions and ad them to the chicken, (cut your veggies a medium size, you don't want them to little that they fall off your burrito at every move, but not so big you can barely put them in your mouth)ad a little of the cilantro to the mix, put the heat and simmer until the chicken is completely done (or potatoes) and assemble like in the pic! Fell free to ad jalapenos to the mix!